We love our customers
We delight our customers by giving them the best product and service in the industry. There may be systems with more features but we are unmatched when it comes to customers who love us and would happily recommend us. Our customers include our resellers and referral partners.
We respect each other
We show the utmost respect for every one of our colleagues. We do not demean, speak poorly, or openly embarrass fellow employees. If there is an issue please take this up with management or the employee directly. Do not openly expose employee flaws.
We are constantly learning
Innovation is in the fabric of who we are as a company, and should touch all aspects of our company from product to processes. We learn by being a perpetual student – listening, watching, getting certificates, and reading. If we are constantly learning, invention will be the result.
We ALL think outside the box
Thinking is not just up to the executives or managers.
It’s easy to write admirable values; it’s harder to live them. We want everyone to help each other live the values, and hold each other responsible for being role models. It's a continuous aspirational process.
We strive to contribute
We are a group of individuals who make up the IT Retail team, with a common goal to provide awesome technical products to grocers that allow them to understand their business. Every IT Retail employee is expected to contribute – whether improving processes, code, or bringing new opportunities to the table. Think deep, speak up, and put into action.