3 Simple Ways to Get Your Store Ready for the Holidays

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It has been hypothesized that getting customers into the Christmas spirit will help increase sales. Business News Daily posted an article about a restaurant chain that put this theory to the test. The restaurant chain-hung lights outside 6 of their 50 locations. All 6 locations saw an average increase of 5%. I decided to come up with 3 simple and affordable ways to decorate your store for this holiday.

Firstly, the most affordable way to decorate your store is to use what you already have. Take a look at your inventory and see what you already have in stock that are holiday colors. For example, use green and red apples to make a display. You can line up the green apples like a tree and outline them with the red apples. Or you can build a soda box Christmas Tree.


Lights! Lights! Lights! Lights have a way of drawing people in off the cold winter streets and into your store. You don’t need to hang lights everywhere, you can keep it simple and outline the doorway to your store! With just a few lights you’ll be surprised at how much your store is livened up!


Lastly, get locals involved! Having loyal customers is key to the success of any business, so use this holiday season to bond with your customers to make them feel like a part of your store. One easy way to do this is to give coloring sheets to the children and tell them they can either color them while their parents or shopping or to bring them in next time they come shopping! Then hang up all the different pictures they color on one wall! This will give a homey feel to your store, and show the customer that you value them.


Do Holiday Decorations Boost Sales?

@cbrooks76 – http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/5610-holiday-decorations-boostsales.html