Announcing New Internship Opportunity at IT Retail

Where the work happens!

Where the work happens!

So I’m sure all of you college students out there realize how much time per day we waste (according to our parents and teachers) on social media sites seeing what Kim Kardashian is doing via twitter, predicting the pros and cons of the iPhone 5 on your word press blog, stalking that cute girl/guy that sits in front of you in Chem lab with the convenient aid of Facebook, or maybe tweaking your Linkedin account in preparation for the real world.

What if there was a way for you to turn that wasted time into a valuable internship doing the things you love? This high-energy, challenging internship would not only provide you with much more marketing experience than any college class but also glowing recommendations from some of the most highly respected entrepreneurs in the Inland Empire.

Love to blog, tweet, like, and share? Then you’re our perfect candidate! Keep reading!

IT Retail is looking for highly motivated UCR students to participate in our new student internship program. This position is not just for marketing students. We look forward to receiving a wide array of social media-loving applicants that study many academically diverse fields.


  • 3.0 GPA or higher
  • creative/innovative problems solvers
  • interest in social media and knowledge of cutting edge social/networking media
  • interest in search engine optimization (SEO)
  • ability to communicate effectively and able to voice novel ideas, concepts, etc.
  • at least 2 years of the college experience

Perhaps the idea of working at a software company sounds more painful and boring to you than a 15-hour car ride with your senile great aunt Margery. (You’re not alone, I once felt that same way myself) But not to worry! We may work hard at IT Retail, but we play even harder. The overall atmosphere at IT Retail is very chill. Forget about dress slacks, ties, skirts, and heels- the dress code is classy casual i.e. cords or khakis and a polo or nice shirt (just nothing threadbare with holes in it! I think you get the picture ; ) We also have dress down Fridays so you can come in wearing your favorite jeans and tee. Staff lunch is provided on Friday as well as an awesomely annoying but hilarious performance of the YouTube sensation Friday by our very own director of marketing, Luke Henry…just kidding! He’s my boss, don’t tell him I said that!

If you’re interested or know anyone who would love this unique opportunity please contact us at or comment, tweet, post, like, and blog about us via IT Retail on Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter.

Announcing New Internship Opportunity at IT Retail