How IT Retail Puts Independent Grocers On Top
As an independent local grocer, you are well-versed in handling technology changes and keeping up with the competition. The industry’s rapid evolution means more national contenders are lining up to offer grocer services, making some POS platforms outdated and obsolete.
With the IT Retail POS Platform, you can stop trying to keep your head above water and instead maintain a steady lead among the competitors. The competition is making data-driven decisions, and with our fully scalable platform, you can do the same.
Fast-Growing Technology
Stores like Amazon Go are the newest wave of change in the grocery industry. Amazon is opening grocery stores with true touchless shopping, using its Just Walk Out Technology, meaning shoppers can tap a code in the Amazon app, take what they want from the store and walk out, without any interaction with a clerk or robotic technology, beyond the phone.
Shoppers wanting convenience and efficiency will want this experience of a smart store, every time they shop for groceries. This means that your job in keeping up with technology must move ahead at a fast pace. At the end of a long day, you need the support of a full-service POS platform that transforms your business into a true competitor. We have software that can compete with such services as our mobile check out but overall let’s keep exploring.
Your Independent Grocery Store is Important
Access to food is one of our basic human needs. In some areas, people live without one of these locally-owned grocery stores, in what is now called a “food desert.” This is an area that lacks easy access to the healthy foods found in a grocery store. They are generally areas with high poverty rates and long walking or driving distances to reach the store.
Thanks to independent grocery stores like yours, most Americans have easy access to food and water. Before all the big box stores, our local grocers provided for all our basic needs. That is a pretty huge job.
Independent grocery stores also build and strengthen communities. They are employers that create a sense of neighborhood and culture, the kind of feeling you don’t get at the local superstore. They host community bulletin boards, buy locally sourced meats and vegetables from nearby farmers, and build long-lasting bonds with shoppers and community members.
IT Retail is Here to Support You
IT Retail started out in business 25 years ago as grocers, just like you. When a new supercenter starts building down the block or a competitor acquires new technology, don’t worry. We understand that things move fast within the industry. Today, inventory management robots can scan store shelves, and no-lane checkout and camera tracking exist with Amazon Prime accounts. With IT Retail, you can keep up with and outpace the new competition.
Adapt to Technology and Grow
Maintaining your store’s character, and not looking and feeling like one of those ubiquitous grocery store chains, is important to you and your customers. That personality and flair will not be squelched when you update to IT Retail’s solutions.
Instead, you will maintain your distinct reputation for high-quality groceries and a neighborhood feel, while you migrate to the latest technology. This will help you maintain and grow your local market share, as you transition into a POS platform that makes you stand out in-service capability.
IT Retail’s POS Platform
Innovation should drive your decisions unless you want to fall to the competition. When you adopt new technology, optimize store formats and use data to succeed, you can overcome the limitations of modern point of sale systems. They, unfortunately, do not include the data and features you need to regain control of the grocer industry.
IT Retail offers the industry standard for a grocery POS, and its full development platform gives you the ability to complete full customization. Your tech department will have full software access to each product ring, customer add, cash drawer open and other data. The platform is fully open, meaning you can scale up or out as you choose. You can extend your functionality in any way you dream and get valuable insights for your store.
We are talking about infinite scalability. The platform is, first, easy to work with for developers. Ninety percent of front-end functionality can be extended. You can send dashboard sales data to the web, have full integration with a different payment platform, and capture security logs.
The features you build with the IT Retail platform are yours, they are completely owned by you. That means you can customize your own build and deploy it without any interference, to your own competitive advantage. Your ingenuity and creativity are your only limitations.
Schedule a Demo Today
Schedule your free demo today to see how we can help you expand your technology and become a top competitor. Provide an email address and we will get you set up to realize why IT Retail’s POS functionality is world-class. We are customer-focused, built by grocers and we provide a complete solution.
Key Points
- It’s hard to keep up with ever-evolving technology like Amazon Go stores. Customers are looking for an efficient checkout experience
- Your independent grocery store is crucial to your community, as well as your store’s character.
- IT Retail’s POS platform can keep your store’s character while expanding your technology and keeping up with the competition.
- Our POS platform allows for full-scale customization, with infinite scalability.
- IT Retails POS platform is easy to work with, and the features you build are 100% yours. We are here to help your store grow, with your vision in mind.
- Schedule a demo today to learn how IT Retail can help your store become a lead technological competitor.